Thursday, September 1, 2011

Friday's Top Five: Money movies

Friday's Top Five: Money movies

The pursuit of happiness, a clever phrase, actually referred to our founding fathers’ affinity for their bank accounts.

As we've seen this week in Congress, our ability to access cash has been woven into the fabric of our Constitution. So this week, we're taking a look at movies about money, the lengths we'll go to acquire it, and the curse it can carry along with it.

I think this top five is pretty money, but as always, leave your own list in the comments!
1. "Wall Street" (1987): "The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good." – Gordon Gekko

2. "Brewster’s Millions" (1985): “I'm gonna make you so sick of spending money that the mere sight of it will make you wanna throw up!” – Rupert Horn

3. "Easy Money" (1983): “I was happy being a big fat slob, but for $10 million...I'll give up everything!” – Movie tagline

4. "The Color of Money" (1986): "Do you smell what I smell?" – Fast Eddie Felson (the answer to the question is money, even though Vince’s reply is “smoke.")

5. "The Money Pit" (1986): “Two weeks!” – Walter Fielding (This also includes the best laughing scene ever.)

Honorable Mention:

"There Will Be Blood" (2007): “I’m finished.” – Daniel Plainview

"Let it Ride" (1989): “The 4 horse!” – Tony Cheesburger

"Casino" (1995): There aren’t any quotes with language suitable enough to be posted on this family friendly blog, but suffice it to say there’s a lot of money won, lost, and stolen in this picture.

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